Tuesday, 19 August 2014

33rd international motorbike rally of Faro's moto club

This year I returned to Faro for the 33rd anual rally and like before the rally was very good, really fun atmosphere, friendly people , lots and lots of bikes and things to buy, good concerts ( Steve Harris's Bristish Lion and Moonspell ) . Below I leave a slideshow of the rally, to give you all an idea of how it was.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Fitting Superwinch EP9.0 - Part 2

So now with the chassis part taken care off it was just a case of making a tray to accept the winch. Many thanks goes to Mr.Henrique Rebelo for bending the 6mm steel plates necessary to make the tray.

Below is a set of pictures, that hopefully will give you an idea of the work. The tray was sandblasted and then rustproofed with the aplication of hot zinc.