Sunday, 16 December 2012

New double box exhaust


It's been a while I don't update my blog, so here's what I've been up to recently.

The 88" Series 3 uses only one exhaust box and is enough to cancel the noise, but the original box couln't be worse for performance. If you ever check one you will understand.

So when I fitted the new engine Roland at ACR advised and sold me a new back box, but that revealed to be noisy.

So why not to go for a twin setup like used on other cars ? and that is just what I did.

My plan ? replace the conecting pipe with a second box, a universal, straight through design. box dimensions 420mm lenght, 100 mm diameter, internal diameter 1 3/4"

Some high temperature paint for that "new " look

The rear box had to me modified has well, a lot of measuring was done, but in the end the fitting came out really nice.

The end result ? very litle noise, the sound level is very closeof the original box, but with a better sound, and the performance is much better.